NEW! GDPR (data protection) refresher

Monday, 23 May, 2022 - 09:30 to 12:30

People who use voluntary and community sector services often provide sensitive, personal information to enable us to support them. This course will help you review UK data protection legislation, understand what it means for your own organisation, and consider best practice.

You’ll learn how to:

  • Revisit the fundamental principles of data protection law
  • Refresh your approach to recording, storing and sharing sensitive information
  • Develop a plan for reviewing and updating your organisation’s policies and procedures.

This course is useful for trustees, staff and volunteers.

This trainig will take place via Zoom

Book your course here.

Details of all our March to July 2022 courses are available here.

PLUS! Watch out for in-venue Trustee training in June and July! Email Ola for details. 

London Borough of RedbridgeNHS Redbridge Clinical Commissioing GroupCity of LondonLondon CouncilsMayor of LondonSkills Funding Agency  Big Lottery